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HomeNationOne Dead, Several Injured In Ludhiana Court Complex Blast

One Dead, Several Injured In Ludhiana Court Complex Blast

One dead and five others were injured in a suspected IED blast in the Ludhiana court complex on Thursday. The blast reportedly took place around 12:22 pm in the washroom on the third floor when the district court was functioning.

Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi said, “Very soon the truth will be revealed. Somebody trying to get himself saved is doing this. This will also be investigated. We will not let anyone disturb the law and order and peace of the state. It seems that someone who was fitting the bomb got killed.”

Sources said that it seems to be a “powerful blast” as walls of the washroom got demolished and window panes smashed. They further said that the bomb may have gone off in the washroom as it is suspected that the IED device was being assembled there. Police have cordoned off the area and fire tenders are on the spot.

Ludhiana CP Gurpreet Singh Bhullar said that the matter is being investigated. “We are verifying, injured have been sent to the hospital. The bomb disposal squad is arriving. The area will be sealed until the investigation is done,” he said, adding that the forensic teams will collect samples from the blast site.

Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi met injured persons at the hospital.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said, “Some people try to disturb the law and order of the state before the elections.”


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