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HomeNationAligarh College Bans Entry of Students Not In Uniform

Aligarh College Bans Entry of Students Not In Uniform

Dharma Samaj (DS) College on issued a notice banning entry of students without the prescribed uniform.

“This is to inform all of the students of the college that they should come in the prescribed dress of the college. If they are not in the prescribed dress, the college administration will be compelled to deprive them of entering the college. Therefore, strict compliance of the above should be ensured,” the notice reads.

Dr Raj Kumar Verma, Principal of the college, said that the administration will not allow students to enter the campus with covered faces.

“We’ll not allow students to enter the campus with covered faces. Students are not allowed to wear a saffron stole or hijab inside college premises,” he said.

The Hijab controversy began in Karnataka in January this year when some students of Government Girls PU College in the Udupi district of the state alleged that they had been barred from attending classes. During the protests, some students claimed they were denied entry into the college for wearing hijab.


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