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HomeHealthCoronavirus: India Reports 11,106 New Covid-19 cases, 459 Deaths

Coronavirus: India Reports 11,106 New Covid-19 cases, 459 Deaths

In the last 24 hours, India registered 11,106 new coronavirus cases and 459 deaths, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said in its latest update on Friday.

With the new fatalities, the nationwide Covid death toll has increased to 4,65,082

The recovery of 12,789 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally to 3,38,97,921. Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 98.28 percent, the highest since March 2020.

The active caseload stands at 1,26,620 and the active cases presently constitute 0.37 percent of the country’s total positive infections, the lowest since March 2020.

Also in the same period, a total of 11,38,699 tests were conducted across the country, which increased the overall number to 62.93 crores.

Meanwhile, the weekly positivity rate at 0.92 percent has remained less than 2 percent for the last 56 days now.

The daily positivity rate at 0.98 percent, has also remained below 2 percent for the last 46 days and less than 3 percent for 81 consecutive days now.

With the administration of 72,94,864 vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s Covid inoculation coverage has reached 115.23 crores as of Friday morning.

This has been achieved through 1,18,39,293 in sessions.


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