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HomePoliticsPM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Bio-CNG Plant In Indore

PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Bio-CNG Plant In Indore

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the “Gobar-Dhan (Bio-CNG) Plant” in Indore, Madhya Pradesh on Saturday through video conferencing. He also emphasized that the initiative will help make the cities of the country clean, pollution-free and take them towards clean energy.

According to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), PM Modi recently launched the Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0. The vision behind the mission is “Garbage Free Cities” it is being implemented under the overarching principles of “waste to wealth” and “circular economy” for maximizing resource recovery – both of which are exemplified in the Indore Bio-CNG plant.

The plant in Indore has the capacity to treat 550 tonnes per day of segregated wet organic waste. It is expected to produce around 17,000 kg per day of CNG and 100 tonnes per day of organic compost, the PMO informed.

Because the plant is based on zero-landfill models, no rejects would be generated by it. Additionally, the project is expected to yield multiple environmental benefits- reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, providing green energy along with organic compost as fertilizer.

A minimum of fifty per cent of the CNG produced by the plant will be purchased by the Indore Municipal Corporation in a first-of-its-kind initiative, about 400 city buses will run on the CNG. The balance quantity of CNG will be sold in the open market. The organic compost will help replace chemical fertilizers for agricultural and horticultural purposes.

According to ANI, the official release stated, Indore Clean Energy Pvt Ltd, a Special Purpose Vehicle created to implement the project, was set up by Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) and Indo Enviro Integrated Solutions Ltd. (IEISL) under a Public-Private Partnership model, with a 100 per cent capital investment of Rs 150 crores by IEISL.


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