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HomeBusinessIndian E-Health Sector Poised To Reach $40 Billion In GMV By 2030

Indian E-Health Sector Poised To Reach $40 Billion In GMV By 2030

The e-health sector in India is poised to reach $9-12 billion in GMV (gross merchandise value) by 2025 and $40 billion in GMV by 2030, a new report showed on Friday.

India’s e-health sector witnessed a 47 per cent increase in 2021 in its Net Promoter Score (NPS), suggesting that customers are now more likely to recommend the e-health platforms to their friends and relatives.

According to Bengaluru-based market research firm RedSeer, same-day deliveries and cross-selling further characterise the sector’s performance.

“India’s health tech sector is on an exciting journey of disruption and continues to offer immense value proposition to consumers and businesses alike,” said Kushal Bhatnagar, engagement manager, Redseer.

e-pharma dominated the e-health sector, even before Covid. Soon enough, the Covid-induced pandemic worked as a catalyst to trigger growth within this sector, thereby paving the way for a booming e-health landscape that saw an annual growth rate of 51 per cent in 2021.

“It’s been two years since the Covid-induced pandemic, yet it looks like e-health is here to stay: the eHealth sector continues to create delights, indicating that it could be the new normal for our healthcare industry,” the report noted.

Infusing technology into India’s healthcare system has proven to be the need of the hour.

“Restricted access to healthcare, a large burden of healthcare expenses, and quality concerns with medicines, diagnostic labs and overall infrastructure are the main issues that the Indian healthcare system is struggling with,” the findings showed.


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