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HomeNationDefence Minister Rajnath Singh Commission's INS Visakhapatnam Into Indian Navy

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Commission’s INS Visakhapatnam Into Indian Navy

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh will formally commission INS Visakhapatnam into the Indian Navy at the Naval Dockyard in Mumbai on Sunday. INS Visakhapatnam is the first stealth-guided missile destroyer ship of Project 15B.

The Defence Minister will be the guest of honour, while Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Karambir Singh is the Chief Guest for the event.

INS Visakhapatnam has been constructed using indigenous steel DMR 249A and is amongst the largest destroyers constructed in India with an overall length of 163m and displacement of over 7,400 tons.

The ship has a significant indigenous content of approx. 75 percent contributing towards AtmaNirbhar Bharat. The ship is a potent platform capable of undertaking multifarious tasks and missions spanning the full spectrum of maritime warfare.

Visakhapatnam is equipped with an array of weapons and sensors, which include supersonic surface-to-surface and surface-to-air missiles, medium and short-range guns, anti-submarine rockets and advanced electronic warfare and communication suits.

The ship is propelled by a powerful combined gas and gas propulsion which enables her speed of over 30 knots. The ship has the capability of embarking two integrated helicopters to further extend its reach.

The ship boasts of a very high level of automation with sophisticated digital networks, a Combat Management System and an Integrated Platform Management System.


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