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HomePoliticsUP Elections 2022: Priyanka Gandhi To Address Congress Rally In Bundelkhand

UP Elections 2022: Priyanka Gandhi To Address Congress Rally In Bundelkhand

Congress general secretary, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, will be in Mahoba, Bundelkhand today for a rally. The Congress is eyeing the 19 assembly seats of Bundelkhand. The Congress Gen Sec will be present along with other prominent leaders from the party.

Priyanka Gandhi and the Congress party do not want to keep any stone unturned as they want to push for a comeback in the region after three decades.

Interestingly, PM Modi and CM Yogi Adityanath also took out rallies in Mahoba. He inaugurated the Arjun Sahayak project. Priyanka Gandhi, on the other hand, is also coming today on November 27 at Chhatrasal Stadium in Mahoba.

UP Congress President Ajay Kumar Lallu is present with his team in Mahoba and is giving directions to the workers to make Priyanka Gandhi’s rally a success. He attacked the BJP. Talking to reporters, he said that the non-Congress governments have looted Bundelkhand, its mineral wealth and its splendor were looted. Whereas during the power in Congress, this area was taken care of a lot.

He also attacked the BJP saying that the PM did not go to a farmer’s house on his visit.

Congress President Ajay Kumar Lallu also said that Priyanka will hold a ‘pratigya rally’ in Mahoba today, here she will come and tell her pledges in front of the people of Bundelkhand.

This rally is seen ad an attempt by Congress to reclaim their lost ground in the Bundelkhand region.


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