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HomeHealthCoronavirus: India Reports 6,093 New Covid Cases, 31 Deaths

Coronavirus: India Reports 6,093 New Covid Cases, 31 Deaths

India reported 6,093 new Covid infections in the past 24 hours against 6,395 cases on the previous day, the Union Health Ministry said on Friday.

In the same period, 31 more Covid-related fatalities, took the death toll to 5,28,121 as per the report.

Meanwhile, the active caseload has come down to 49,636 cases, accounting for 0.11 per cent of the total positive cases.

Recovery of 6,768 patients in the last 24 hours took the cumulative tally to 4,39,06,972. Consequently, the recovery rate stands at 98.70 per cent.

Meanwhile, the Daily Positivity rate has marginally declined to 1.93 per cent, while the Weekly Positivity Rate currently stands at 1.88 per cent.

Also in the same period, a total of 3,16,504 tests were conducted across the country, increasing the overall tally to over 88.87 crore.

As of this morning, the Covid-19 vaccination coverage exceeded 214.55 crore.

Over 4.05 crore adolescents have been administered with a first dose of Covid-19 jab since the beginning of vaccination drive for this age bracket.

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