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Coronavirus: India Reports 1,549 New Covid Cases, 31 Deaths In Last 24 Hrs

India on Monday recorded 1,549 fresh coronavirus infections that took its tally to 4,30,09,390, while the active cases declined further to 25,106, according to Union health ministry data.

The death count climbed to 5,16,510 with 31 daily fatalities, the data updated at 8 am stated. The active cases comprise 0.06 per cent of the total infections. The national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 98.74 per cent, it showed.

A reduction of 1,134 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours. The daily positivity rate was recorded at 0.40 per cent, while the weekly positivity rate stood at 0.40 per cent, the ministry said.

Arunachal Pradesh did not report any fresh COVID-19 case on Monday, a senior health department official said here.
The COVID-19 tally in the frontier state remained at 64,484, he said.

One more person recovered from the disease during the period, taking the total number of COVID-19 recoveries to 64,179, State Surveillance Officer (SSO) Dr Lobsang Jampa said.

Arunachal Pradesh currently has nine active COVID-19 cases.

With the addition of 10 coronavirus cases, the infection count in Thane district of Maharashtra mounted to 7,08,682, an official said on Monday.

These new cases were reported on Sunday, he said. The fatality count remained unchanged at 11,879 as no fresh death due to COVID-19 was reported in the Thane district, part of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region.

The Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands did not record any fresh COVID-19 case in the last 24 hours, a health department official said on Monday.

The COVID-19 tally in the archipelago remained at 10,029, he said.

The union territory now has only two active COVID-19 cases, while 9,898 people have recovered from the virus, including two in the last 24 hours, the official said.

With the positivity rate of 1 per cent, Assam reported four new COVID-19 infections in the past 24 hours, according to an official bulletin on Sunday.

The current active caseload in the state stands at 18.

All four cases have been reported from the Kamrup Rural district of Assam.

With this, the total number of coronavirus cases has gone up to 7,24,190 in Assam.

India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 181.21 crores (1,81,21,11,675) as per provisional reports till 7 am today, informed the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Sunday. According to the ministry, this has been achieved through over 2 crore sessions.

So far, more than 17 lakh adolescents have been administered the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, said the ministry.

It further stated that following a continuous downward trend, India’s active caseload has declined to 26,240 today, constituting 0.06 per cent of the country’s total positive cases.

Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 98.74 per cent.


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