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HomeHealthCoronavirus: India Reports 10,725 New Covid Cases, 36 Deaths

Coronavirus: India Reports 10,725 New Covid Cases, 36 Deaths

India has recorded 10,725 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of Covid cases to 4,43,78,920. According to the Union Health Ministry, the country also reported 36 deaths in the last 24 hours due to Covid, bringing the total number of Covid-related fatalities to 5,27,488.

The active cases comprise 0.22 per cent of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate stands at 98.59 per cent, the ministry said.

The daily positivity rate was recorded at 4.15 per cent and the weekly positivity rate at 3.59 per cent, the ministry said.

23,50,665 Covid vaccine doses administered in last 24 hours

210.82 crore total vaccine doses (94.08 crore second dose and 14.50 crore booster dose) have been administered so far under the nationwide vaccination drive.

Meanwhile, Delhi on Wednesday recorded 945 fresh COVID-19 cases with a positivity rate of 5.55 per cent, while six more people succumbed to the viral disease, according to data shared by the city health department.

The fresh cases came out of 17,024 tests conducted the previous day, the department said in its latest bulletin.

With the fresh cases and fatalities, Delhi’s infection tally increased to 19,96,352 and the death count to 26,442, it said.

On Tuesday, the national capital logged 959 COVID-19 cases with a positivity rate of 6.14 per cent and nine fatalities.

On Monday, Delhi reported 625 cases and seven deaths, while the positivity rate stood at 9.27 per cent.

The city recorded 942 cases with a positivity rate of 7.25 per cent on Sunday.

The number of active COVID-19 cases in Delhi stands at 4,310, down from 4,656 the previous day. As many as 2,972 patients are in home isolation, the bulletin said.

Of the 9,395 beds reserved for COVID-19 patients in various Delhi hospitals, 423 are occupied, it said.

There are 277 containment zones in the city, it added.

Despite the high positivity rate, the city government is not implementing the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) devised by the Delhi Disaster Management Authority since hospital admissions are low.

The GRAP, which came into force in August last year, stipulates measures to be taken by the government in accordance with the positivity rate and bed occupancy for locking and unlocking of various activities.

The number of daily COVID-19 cases in Delhi touched the record high of 28,867 on January 13 this year during the third wave of the pandemic.

The city recorded a positivity rate of 30.6 per cent on January 14, the highest during the third wave.

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