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Congress Promises Rs 1,100 Per Month To Women, Eight LPG Cylinders And 1 lakh Govt Jobs In Punjab

Congress on Friday released its manifesto, promising one lakh government jobs and Rs 1,100 per month to women with eight free cooking gas cylinders per year.

The party also promised to end the mafia raj by creating corporations for the sale of liquor and sand mining.

State party chief Navjot Singh Sidhu said the party’s government would procure oilseed, pulses and corn from farmers. Sidhu said the party’s 13-point agenda reflects Rahul Gandhi’s vision.

“Anybody can be the pilot when the sea is calm, but when there’s a storm, we should be able to convert adversity into opportunity. That’s the aim of this manifesto,” Sidhu told the media here.

The manifesto also talks about free education for all needy students and bringing 170 services online for the people of the state.

The manifesto has many promises which Sidhu had listed under his Punjab model with a focus on the youth, skilling and entrepreneurship.

“The youth, skilling and entrepreneurship program can change the face of the state. It’s time to be a part of this change and create the future we want the next generation to live in,” he added.

The campaign for the Assembly election ended Friday evening and will go to the polls for 117-member Assembly on February 20 and the counting of ballots on March 10.


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