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HomeNationBSF Seize Heroin, Weapons Close To Pakistan Border

BSF Seize Heroin, Weapons Close To Pakistan Border

A day after recovering 22 kg of heroin in Tarn Taran district, the Border Security Force on Wednesday seized 7.5 kg of heroin along with arms and ammunition from the Pakistan border in three operations in Amritsar and Ferozepur sectors, a BSF official said.

The first incident was reported early in the morning when troops observed suspicious movement ahead of the barbed wire fence in Ferozepur sector. On searching the area, six packets of the contraband, suspected to be heroin wrapped in a yellow packet, along with a pistol, a magazine and 50 rounds were recovered.

In another incident, during search in the area under the Ferozepur sector, BSF personnel recovered a 1-kg packet of contraband suspected to be heroin.

In the third incident, a pistol, a magazine and five rounds of ammunition were recovered after a search in the Amritsar sector.


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