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HomePoliticsAAP Launches Digital Door-To-Door Campaign In Punjab

AAP Launches Digital Door-To-Door Campaign In Punjab

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab Chief Ministerial candidate Bhagwant Mann has launched ‘Digital Door to Door Campaign’ for Assembly elections from Guru’s hometown Amritsar. Announcing the digital campaign during a press conference in Amritsar on Thursday, Mann said that people can call me on 98827 98827 or by clicking on https://ikmaukakejriwalnu.com/ website directly to me and AAP can question Supremo Kejriwal on 11 important issues of Punjab.

Under this digital campaign, after making a missed call to a number, a message will come from the Aam Aadmi Party on the mobile. By clicking on it, Arvind Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann will knock on their door digitally. Enter the house and find out their questions. People can ask questions on 11 important issues related to Punjab such as education, health, power, SC community, women’s safety, law and order, agriculture, drug free Punjab, employment, trade and freedom from corruption. Both Mann and Kejriwal will answer people’s questions.

On this occasion Mr. Mann said that people of Punjab were fed up with the politics of traditional parties. People want change now. The people’s only choice for change is the Aam Aadmi Party. We have fielded candidates who are well versed in the problems of Punjab and the people of Punjab, educated, fit and belonging to ordinary households. On February 20, the people of Punjab will write their own and Punjab’s destiny. People will vote for Aam Aadmi Party this time to change the destiny of their children and make Punjab colorful again.


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