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HomePoliticsTit For Tat, Nawab Malik Says Will Expose Fadnavis 'UnderWorld Links' Tomorrow

Tit For Tat, Nawab Malik Says Will Expose Fadnavis ‘UnderWorld Links’ Tomorrow

Addressing the media moments after the former chief minister Devendra Fadnavis accused Malik of having business dealings with 1993 Mumbai blasts convicts, the NCP leader Nawab Malik said baseless allegations were being leveled against him to malign his image and said he did not know underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena Parker.

Nawab Malik said, “I will drop a hydrogen bomb tomorrow in connection with Fadnavis. I will expose his underworld links.”

“Fadnavis is trying to malign my image by connecting me to blast convicts and the underworld. I have no relations with the underworld and never purchased any land from blast convicts. I don’t know Haseena Parkar. Salim Patel had the power of attorney of the Goawala family. I did not know Patel was connected to the underworld.” Malik said.

Malik added, “They did the same by saying that drugs were recovered from my house. I will send him a legal notice.”

Earlier, In Press Conference Leader of opposition, Devendra Fadnavis accused Maharashtra cabinet minister Nawab Malik and his family of purchasing a 2.80-acre plot from Mohammad Salim Patel, a frontman of Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena Parker, and from Badshah Khan, a 1993 blast convict, in 2005.


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