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HomeHealthIndia Reported 12,729 New Covid-19 Cases, 221 Deaths

India Reported 12,729 New Covid-19 Cases, 221 Deaths

India reported 12,729 new cases of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and 221 deaths, as the cumulative caseload reached 34,333,754 and the death toll climbed to 459,873, according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

The data also revealed that 221 people succumbed to the viral infection in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, the active caseload stood at 148,922, an increase of 343 cases from the 148,579 reported on the previous day.

On Thursday, the health ministry said the active caseload was the lowest in 253 days.

Further, the daily recoveries stayed below the new infections on the day with 12,165 people getting discharged from hospitals in the last 24 hours. With this, the total recoveries reached 33,724,959 and the recovery rate stood at 98.23%.


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