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HomeNationEvery Person In World Entitled To Know About Indian Music: PM

Every Person In World Entitled To Know About Indian Music: PM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said every person in the world is entitled to know about, learn and get benefits of Indian music.

The Prime Minister said this while speaking virtually at the launch of the Pandit Jasraj Cultural Foundation.

He paid rich tributes to Pandit Jasraj on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the doyen of Indian Classical Music.

The Prime Minister talked of the personification of immortal energy of music by Pandit Jasraj and lauded Durga Jasraj and Pandit Shaarang Dev for keeping alive the glorious legacy of the maestro.

Modi also touched upon the vast knowledge imparted by the sages of Indian music tradition.

The Prime Minister said that the strength to feel the cosmic energy and ability to see music in the flow of universe is what makes Indian Classical music tradition so exceptional.

“Music is a medium that makes us aware of our worldly duties and it also helps us transcend worldly attachments,” he said.

The Prime Minister also praised Pandit Jasraj Cultural Foundation for their goal of preserving India’s rich heritage of art and culture. He has asked the Foundation to focus on two key aspects of this age of technology.

“Firstly, Indian Music should create its identity in this age of globalisation. The experience of Yoga Day has indicated that the world has benefited from Indian heritage and Indian music also has the capacity to stir the depth of the human mind. Every person in the world is entitled to know about, learn and get benefits of Indian music. It is our responsibility to take care of that,” he said.

The Prime Minister also said that in today’s era when technology’s influence is all pervasive, there should be technology and IT revolution in the field of music also.

He called for startups dedicated solely to music, based on Indian instruments and traditions.He also talked about recent efforts to regenerate the centres of culture and art like Kashi.

“India has shown the way to a secured future to the world through its faith in environment preservation and love for nature. In this Indian journey of development along with heritage, ‘Sabka Prayas’ should be included,” he added.


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