India on Monday logged 9,531 fresh coronavirus infections that pushed its tally to 4,43,48,960, while the number of active cases came down to 97,648, according to Union Health ministry data. The death count due to COVID-19 climbed to 5,27,368 with 36 more fatalities, including 10 deaths reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 am stated.
The active cases comprise 0.22 per cent of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate stands at 98.59 per cent, the ministry said.
Tamil Nadu recorded 591 new coronavirus cases on Monday taking the overall tally to 35,63,913. The active cases declined to 5,842 from 5,947 a day ago. There were no casualties today as well and as the death count remained at 38,033. According to a bulletin from the State health department here, 696 people were discharged today.
Jammu and Kashmir on Monday recorded 131 fresh COVID-19 cases that pushed its infection tally to 4,76,175, officials here said. The death count remained unchanged at 4,779, they said. Of the fresh cases 14 were reported from the Jammu division and 117 from the Kashmir valley, the officials said.
Puducherry reported only six new cases of COVID-19 on Monday with the fresh cases surfacing after examination of 88 samples. Director of Health G Sriramulu, in a release, said Puducherry region recorded four cases while Karaikal saw the two other cases.
The overall caseload in the Union Territory was 1,72,422. The Director said 29 patients recovered in the last 24 hours and the overall recoveries were 1,70,191.
Odisha’s COVID-19 tally rose to 13,25,264 on Monday as 203 more people, including 31 children, tested positive for the infection, a health bulletin said.
Arunachal Pradesh’s COVID-19 tally rose to 66,550 on Monday after two more people tested positive for the virus, a senior health department official said. The death toll remained unchanged at 296, he said. The northeastern state has witnessed a declining trend of new infections. It had reported 22 fresh cases on Saturday and 17 on Sunday.
Arunachal Pradesh now has 126 active cases, while 66,128 people have recovered from the disease thus far, State Surveillance Officer (SSO) Lobsang Jampa said.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands reported five new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, which took the tally to 10,568, a health department official said on Monday. Three fresh patients have travel history, while two others were detected during contact tracing, he said.
The Union Territory now has 48 active patients, and all of them are undergoing home quarantine.
Meanwhile, Covid-19 survivors remain at higher risk of psychotic disorders, dementia and similar conditions for at least two years, according to a large study that highlights the mounting burden of chronic illness left in the pandemic’s wake.
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