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Coronavirus: India Reports 4,194 New Covid Cases, 255 Deaths In Last 24 Hrs

India reported 4,194 fresh Covid cases and 255 deaths in a span of the last 24 hours, the Union health ministry said on Friday morning.

The new addition of deaths took a toll to 5,15,714 in the country.

The active Covid case has further reduced to 42,219 which constitutes 0.10 per cent of the country’s total positive cases, as per the ministry report.

The recovery of 6,208 patients in the last 24 hours has increased the cumulative tally to 4,24,26,328. Consequently, India’s recovery rate stands at 98.70 per cent, said the Union Health Ministry on Thursday.

Also in the same period, a total of 8,12,365 tests were conducted across the country. India has so far conducted over 77.68 crore cumulative tests.

Meanwhile, the weekly positivity rate has further come down to 0.55 per cent while the daily positivity rate has marginally risen to 0.52 per cent.

With the administration of over 16.73 lakhs Covid vaccine doses in the last 24 hours, India’s inoculation coverage has reached 179.72 crore as of Friday morning. This has been achieved through 2,09,78,959 sessions.

More than 16.70 crore balance and unutilised Covid vaccine doses are still available with the states and union territories to be administered, according to the health ministry as of Friday morning.


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