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HomeHealthCoronavirus: India Reports 18,840 New Coronavirus Cases And 43 Deaths

Coronavirus: India Reports 18,840 New Coronavirus Cases And 43 Deaths

India reported 18,840 new coronavirus cases and 43 Covid-related deaths in the last 24 hours, the Union health ministry data showed. The death count now stands at 5,25,386. Currently, there are 1,25,028 active cases in the country, comprising 0.28 per cent of the cumulative cases.

The recovery rate is at 98.51 per cent and the daily positivity rate was 4.14 per cent. So far, 198.65 crore vaccine doses have been administered under the nationwide vaccination drive.

Delhi Friday reported 531 fresh Covid-19 cases and three deaths in the last 24 hours, according to data from the health department. Delhi recorded a positivity rate of 3.13 per cent. This is the second consecutive day when the daily case count has remained in the range of 500-600. With the fresh infections and fatalities, Delhi’s caseload climbed to 19,39,758 and the death toll increased to 26,280, the health department bulletin said.

Mumbai, on the other hand, saw 530 new coronavirus infections with a case positivity rate of 5.25 per cent and two deaths, a civic official said. Of new cases, only 38 were symptomatic. The caseload in India’s financial capital rose to 11,17,897, while death toll reached 19,624. The daily addition to the tally remained below the 1,000-mark for the eighth day in a row.

Meanwhile, the NTAGI’s Standing Technical Sub-Committee (STSC) approved the use of COVID-19 vaccines Corbevax and Covaxin for children aged between five and 12 years, official sources said on Friday. However, there was no decision on introducing these vaccines in the vaccination programme. Data of Biological E’s Corbevax and Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin for children aged between five and 12 years were reviewed in the STSC meeting held on June 16 and members decided that the vaccines can be recommended for administering in children.


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