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HomeHealthCoronavirus: India ReportS 11,919 New Cases, 470 Deaths In Last 24 Hrs

Coronavirus: India ReportS 11,919 New Cases, 470 Deaths In Last 24 Hrs

India has reported 11,919 new cases, 11,242 recoveries and 470 deaths in the last 24 hours, Union Health Ministry said on Thursday. Of these, Kerala accounted for 6,849 fresh cases, 6046 recoveries and 61 deaths, the health ministry added. The number of active cases in the country stands at 1,28,762.

The daily rise in the number of coronavirus cases has been below 20,000 for 41 straight days now and less than 50,000 fresh cases have been reported for 144 consecutive days. The number of active cases of the infection has gone up to 1,28,762, accounting for 0.37 percent of the total caseload, the lowest since March 2020, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 98.28 percent, the highest since March 2020, the ministry said.

The cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has crossed 114.50 crores, as per the data on the Cowin dashboard. Over 73.44 lakh Covid-19 doses were administered on Wednesday, the Union health ministry said.

Latest, Announcing that the number of fully vaccinated persons in the country has surpassed the partially vaccinated, Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya on Wednesday expressed confidence that the country will have vaccinated every Indian by the end of the month-long ‘Har Ghar Dastak’ campaign. Mandaviya appealed to all eligible citizens to get vaccinated and assured people that there was no shortage of vaccine doses.

As part of the Har Ghar Dastak campaign, which aims to ensure that all the adult population is covered with the first dose of vaccine, Mandaviya said that healthcare workers are conducting door-to-door vaccinations of eligible people across India with a special focus on districts where less than 50 percent of the eligible population has been vaccinated.

“The nation achieved the distinction of having administered 100 crore doses on October 21. Subsequently, the prime minister gave a clarion call and launched the ‘Har Ghar Dastak’ campaign on November 3 to knock at every door and reach out to every household and immunise every citizen against COVID-19 in the spirit of Antyodaya, Mandaviya said.

The cumulative Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 114 crores on Wednesday, the Union health ministry said.

The country has in total administered over 113.68 crore doses, according to the provisional report at 7 am. This has been achieved through 1,16,73,459 sessions. Out of which, 75,57,24,081 doses were administered as first dose and 38,11,55,604 doses were administered as second dose. The number of fully vaccinated individuals (38,11,55,604) exceeds those who have been administered a single dose (37,45,68,477), the minister said.


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