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HomeHealthAIIMS Starts Same Day Same Ultrasound Facilities For OPD Patients

AIIMS Starts Same Day Same Ultrasound Facilities For OPD Patients

The Department of Radio-diagnosis and Interventional Radiology of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi, is starting same day Ultrasound facility on a trial basis for needy patients coming to the hospital’s outpatient department (OPD). According to an official statement issued by AIIMS, under the service, films and reports of OPD patients will be issued on the same day.

As per a letter issued by Dr Deep Nayaran Srivastava, head, Department of Radio-diagnosis and Interventional Radiology, 35 slots have been designated for same-day Ultrasound in the new “RAK OPD basement” to cater to patients with appropriate clinical conditions.

As per the notification issued by AIIMS, the requisition form must be signed by a faculty member confirming the urgency of the clinical indication for same-day Ultrasound. The requisition form must be presented at the appointment counter before 1 p.m. at the latest for same-day Ultrasound.

However, the same facility will not be available for those Ultrasound scans which require patient preparation like overnight fasting, Doppler Ultrasound scans which examination and interpretation take much longer time and Obstetrical Ultrasound Scans.


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