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HomeNationPak National Among 5 Terrorists Killed In Gunfights In J&K

Pak National Among 5 Terrorists Killed In Gunfights In J&K

Five terrorists, including a Pakistani national, were killed in two separate encounters at Budgam and Pulwama districts in Kashmir in the last 12 hours, officials said on Sunday.

Four Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) terrorists were killed in an encounter with the security forces in the Naira area in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district while one Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist was killed in another encounter in the Chrar-i-sharief area in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district.

“Five terrorists of Pakistan sponsored proscribed terror outfits LeT and JeM killed in dual encounters in last 12 hours. JeM commander terrorist Zahid Wani and a Pakistani terrorist among the killed. Big success for us,” tweeted the Jammu and Kashmir Police quoting Inspector General Police Kashmir zone Vijay Kumar.

A large quantity of arms and ammunition and other incriminating material has been recovered from the slain terrorists.

On Saturday, a joint team of the police and the security forces cordoned off the Naira area and launched a search operation on the basis of specific information about the presence of terrorists.

As the security forces zeroed in on the spot where the terrorists were hiding they came under a heavy volume of fire that triggered the encounter killing four terrorists.


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