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HomeBusinessInternational Monetary Fund Chief Economist Gita Gopinath Calls On PM Modi

International Monetary Fund Chief Economist Gita Gopinath Calls On PM Modi

Indian-American Gita Gopinath, the chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday. The meeting comes days after the IMF announced that she is being promoted as its First Deputy Managing Director.

She would replace Geoffrey Okamoto, who plans to leave IMF early next year. Gopinath, who was scheduled to return to her academic position at Harvard University–where she is John Zwaanstra Professor of International Studies and Economics–in January 2022, has served as the IMF’s chief economist for three years.

Gopinath was born on December 8, 1971, in Kolkata. In 1992, she earned a BA degree in economics from Delhi University of Delhi and two years later, got her master’s degree from the Delhi School of Economics. In 1996, she got her second master’s degree in economics at University of Washington before getting a doctorate in international macroeconomics and trade at Princeton University.


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