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HomePoliticsDelhi Govt 'Disappointed' As Budget Fails To Address Inflation

Delhi Govt ‘Disappointed’ As Budget Fails To Address Inflation

After the Union Budget 2021 was presented in the parliament, the Delhi government has alleged step-motherly treatment from the Centre. Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia claimed that the national capital’s share in central taxes continues to be frozen for the last two decades to Rs 325 crore.

Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has also questioned the budget and said it will increase inflation.

“This budget is a benefit to a few big companies. This budget will work to increase the problems of common people with inflation,” tweeted Kejriwal.

After today’s budget announcement, Sisodia in a statement claimed that the grant towards Disaster Response reduced has been reduced from Rs. 161 crore to Rs.5 crore. Overall grants/transfers from the government of India to the Delhi government has also reduced to Rs 957 crore from Rs 1117 crore last year.

The Delhi government has also questioned the grant provided to Delhi.

“UT of Jammu & Kashmir, which is constitutionally on similar footing with the NCT of Delhi, has been provided grant of Rs. 30,757 crore as against Rs. 957 crore to Delhi,” Sisodia said.

There has always been a tussle over funds for Delhi municipal corporations. And yet again, the Kejriwal government has raised questions over allocation after not getting the funds as demanded. Sisodia told that Delhi civic bodies have again been left high and dry with zero allocation against the demand of Rs.12,000 crore.

Delhi’s Finance Minister Manish Sisodia is not happy with the overall education budget too.

Sisodia said that after so much drumming of the New Education Policy (NEP), the budget of education has reduced to Rs 6000 crore compared to last year. The NEP states a policy of raising the education budget to at least 6% of GDP.

“History is witness that be it family or country, self-reliant becomes one who spends on good education of his children. Here, the budget of education is being reduced by 6000 crore. If the children will not study, then how will the country become self-sufficient? The matter of making self-reliant is also a jumla,” said Manish Sisodia targeting BJP.

“Moreover, the Delhi govt needs funds to make huge investments in crucial departments like education, health, social, food securities, transports, roads and hospitals among others,” Sisodia added.

In view of the unprecedented 42% shortfall in revenue collection during the financial year 2020-21, Sisodia had urged the government of India to consider providing additional support primarily due to the ongoing pandemic.

The Delhi Finance Minister had appealed to the Union Finance Minister that Delhi deserves its legitimate share in central taxes to finance the developmental needs of the city, and accordingly requires enhanced allocation of at least Rs 8,150 crore in 2020-21, and Rs 8,555 crore in 2021-22.


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