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HomePoliticsBihar BJP Chief Sanjay Jaiswal Slams JD-U For Criticizing Niti Aayog

Bihar BJP Chief Sanjay Jaiswal Slams JD-U For Criticizing Niti Aayog

Bihar BJP chief Sanjay Jaiswal has slammed Janata Dal-United (JD-U) for criticizing Niti Aayog. Releasing the data, Sanjay Jaiswal claimed that the Bihar government is not addressing its own challenges and criticizing Niti Aayog is not right. The backwardness of Bihar will be addressed only after the setting up of industries that will generate employment.

The population of Maharashtra is one crore higher than Bihar, still, the central government is giving Rs 31,000 crore extra to Bihar. Similarly, The condition of West Bengal is no different from Bihar, still, the central government is allocating Rs 21,000 crore more to Bihar,” Jaiswal said.

Jaiswal’s statement came after JD-U national president Rajiv Ranjan Singh alias Lalan Singh tagged Prime Minister Narendra Modi for special status demand of the state.

“Bihar government should promote industries. Industry Minister Shahnawaz Hussain is actively pursuing it but such efforts are needed from other ministers as well. The Bihar government should promote public-private partnerships to install industries in Bihar. People of Bihar should leave the anti-Industrialist mindset,” he said.

The Prime Minister is allocating funds every 6 years and Rs 10,000 crore is still pending with the Centre due to the callous attitude of the Bihar government. For example, the PM has sanctioned Rs 2,500 crore for the airport at Raxaul which comes under my constituency but the state government has not acquired adequate land for the purpose,” he said.


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