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HomePoliticsWhen Modi-Yogi Retire Who Will Save Cops, Says Asaduddin Owaisi

When Modi-Yogi Retire Who Will Save Cops, Says Asaduddin Owaisi

Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi on Friday reacted to his clip going viral on social media and said it was aimed at distracting the attention from ‘Haridwar Genocial Meet’. “A clipped 1-minute video is being circulated from 45-minute speech I gave in Kanpur,” Owaisi said. Several BJP leaders shared the video on Friday amid heat over alleged hate speeches by Hindu leaders in a three-day religious conclave in Haridwar, held recently. An FIR has been filed in Uttarakhand after the videos of those provocative speeches went viral on Thursday.

Owaisi was one of the leaders to move for action against the Haridwar speeches. The AIMIM president had instructed the party’s Uttarakhand chief to file a police complaint against Haridwar Assembly. “It’s a clear case of incitement to genocide. Our team has attempted to file it today but officers in Roorkee were unavailable due to other engagements.

If strict action isn’t taken, then we’ll launch a state-wide agitation demanding arrest and exemplary punishment. The calls for genocide and ethnic cleansing against Muslims are the culmination of 60 yrs of dehumanising speech by Sangh Parivar against Muslims and Christians,” Owaisi tweeted. He also observed that most speakers at the event were repeat offenders and close with ‘powers that be’.

Soon after his tweet storm, BJP leaders found out his video in which he could be heard saying, “I want to tell the police. Remember this. Yogi will not be the Chief Minister forever. Modi will not remain the Prime Minister forever. We Muslims are silent because of the times, but remember we will not forget the injustice. We will remember your injustice. Allah, by his powers, will destroy you, Inshallah. We will remember.”

“When Yogi will return to his mutt when PM Modi will go to the hills, who will save you?” Owaisi said.

As BJP leaders questioned whether action will be taken against Owaisi like in the case of the Haridwar meet, in a thread of tweets, Owaisi said he did not incite violence or give threats and he was only talking about police atrocities.

“It’s an essential part of my faith to believe that Allah does not allow injustice. He punishes oppressors. We are taught the lesson of Firaun, the lesson of Namrud, the lesson of Yazid. Assuring people of Allah’s justice gives hope. We remember that Allah is with oppressed. I said we’ll remember these police atrocities. Is this objectionable? Why is it offensive to remember how police have treated Muslims in UP? We cannot forget the oppression that was meted out to Anas, Suleiman, Asif, Faisal, Altaf, Akhlaq, Qasim, and hundreds of others?” Owaisi tweeted.

“I asked cops: who will come to save them when Modi-Yogi retire? Indeed, who will? Do they think they’ve lifetime immunity,” Owaisi said.


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