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HomeNationI was An Active Cadet of NCC Like You, Says PM Modi

I was An Active Cadet of NCC Like You, Says PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday inspected the National Cadet Corps rally at Cariappa Ground in New Delhi. He was seen wearing a turban as he inspected the Guard of Honour and reviewed March Past by NCC contingents.

The NCC Rally is the culmination of the NCC Republic Day Camp and is held on January 28 every year. He witnessed the NCC cadets displaying their skills in army action, slithering, microlight flying, parasailing as well as cultural programmes. He also awarded medals and batons to the best NCC cadets.

PM Modi addresses NCC cadets at Cariappa Ground in New Delhi.

Addressing the NCC Rally, the Prime Minister said as the young country is celebrating the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ of its independence, there is a different enthusiasm in celebration of such a historic occasion.

“I am proud that I have been an active cadet of the NCC just like you. The training I got in NCC, what I have learnt, today I get immense strength from the discharge of my responsibilities towards the country,” he added.

India celebrated its 73rd Republic Day on January 26 this year when the country is celebrating “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” as part of 75 years of Independence from the British Raj. The Republic Day celebrations will culminate with the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, observed nationwide as Martyrs Day.


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