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HomeHealthCoronavirus: India Reports 1,778 New Covid Cases, 62 Deaths In Last 24...

Coronavirus: India Reports 1,778 New Covid Cases, 62 Deaths In Last 24 Hrs

With 1,778 new coronavirus infections, India’s total tally of COVID-19 cases rose to 4,30,12,749, while the number of active cases declined by over 800 to 23,087, according to the government data updated on Wednesday.

The death toll has climbed to 5,16,605 with 62 new fatalities being reported in the last 24 hours.

The active cases constitute 0.05 per cent of the total infections, while the country’s COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 98.75 per cent, the health ministry said.

A reduction of 826 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in the last 24 hours.

The daily positivity rate was recorded at 0.26 per cent and weekly positivity rate was also recorded at 0.36 per cent, according to the health ministry.

The latest 24 hours saw a total of 6,77,218 COVID-19 tests being conducted. India has so far cumulatively conducted over 78.42 crore tests.

The number of people who have recuperated from the disease rose to 4,24,73,057, while the case fatality rate was recorded at 1.20 per cent.

The cumulative doses of in the country so far under the nationwide Covid vaccination drive has exceeded 181.89 crore.

Meanwhile, All existing Covid restrictions imposed by the Centre are set to be removed on March 31. The Ministry of Home Affairs on Wednesday, March 23, said that the Disaster Management Act will no longer be invoked for Covid-safety measures. However, masks will still have to be worn in public places.


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